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ACC Coaching

Adaptive Cruise Control leads to safe distances between cars, but not all drivers use the feature. MeBeSafe developed a measure to nudge people into using it. But this can only work if the drivers know of ACC. MeBeSafe therefore developed a way to coach drivers into using a new feature, such as ACC.

Coaching App

Truck drivers are experts on the road, and the person with most knowledge to coach them is another trucker. MeBeSafe have designed an app that supports a peer-to-peer coaching scheme based on privacy-focussed data collection – and the empowerment concept has been met with very positive reactions.

ACC Score Nudge

MeBeSafe’s second distance-keeping measure could double the use of ACC. Accidents often occur when drivers are too close to the one in front of them, and many drivers do so without knowing it. Adaptive Cruise Control always keeps the distance safe, but it is not always used. This is MeBeSafe’s second way to mitigate this by soft measures.

ACC Order Nudge

Accidents can occur when drivers are too close to the car in front of them, and many drivers do so without knowing it. Adaptive Cruise Control always keeps the distance safe, but it is not always used. This is one of MeBeSafe’s ACC measures that could increase the use by almost 50%.

InfraDriver Nudge

Drivers are often going too fast, especially when leaving a high-speed motorway. And motorway exits can have rather sharp curves, leading to potential accidents. MeBeSafe have realised a nudge that could reduce the number of speeding drivers by 40%, by exposing them to lights embedded in the road.

Cyclist nudge

Cyclists are sometimes too fast or using too little attention when approaching an intersection where the view is blocked. It’s seldom obvious that this is the case. MeBeSafe have developed a nudge based on flat stripes getting closer together to give an illusion of speed, leading to twice as many cyclists slowing down before a dangerous intersection.

In-vehicle nudge

Vulnerable road users are easily overlooked by drivers when they are crossing each other’s way. Cyclists could be hidden from the view or drivers could have their attention elsewhere. MeBeSafe have found potential to nudge more than 60% of drivers to slow down or become more aware of crossing cyclists.

Take-a-break reward

Soft measures could double the number of tired drivers stopping to take a break. Today, the desire to arrive fast seems so strong that just warning drivers that they are tired might not be enough. MeBeSafe have found one solution in handing out random rewards.

MeBeSafe’s nudges

The legacy of MeBeSafe 8 well-evaluated nudges and coaching measures Cyclist nudge To help adapt speed and increase attention before hazards Attention nudge To increase…