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A reward for tired drivers

Drivers are known to keep on driving when getting tired. But taking a break could mean the difference between safe arrival and an accident. MeBeSafe investigated how to make it appealing to stop.

Nudging is all around us

MeBeSafe is introducing the idea of soft measures (e.g. nudging, coaching) in a traffic safety environment – an area more known for hard measures (e.g. prohibitions, speeding tickets, speed bumps)

Nudged by the light

MeBeSafe have developed a nudge using lights in the roadsides, that leads to 40% fewer speeding drivers. If a nudge is to be implemented, however, it’s desirable if people also understand and accept it. And they do.

The impact of MeBeSafe

The nudging and coaching measures of MeBeSafe are proven to work. But what does this mean in reality? How much does a certain speed decrease mean in terms of saved lives?